Predictive and Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM)
In Confipetrol we are always searching for the latest techniques and technological advances in predictive and condition-based maintenance (“CBM”). We constantly survey the market for recent innovations and incorporate them into the solutions we offer our clients. Our predictive and CBMS allow us to manage clients’ assets in a way that optimizes their performance while preventing asset failures.
We have specialized equipment, technical and engineering personnel certified in the following equipment condition diagnosis techniques:
- Analysis of mechanical conditions through vibration analysis in rotating equipment, dynamic and static analysis of electric engines, dynamic performance tests and heat flowmeters in reciprocating equipment, thermography in electrical, rotary and static systems
- Visual inspection, videoscopy, non-destructive essays such as Eddy currents, thickness measurement, among others
- Physical- chemical analysis of lubricating oils used in rotating machinery and dielectrics used in transformers
- Definition and implementation of effective predictive maintenance strategies adjusted to your business reality